Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee - Friday 29 November 2024, 10:30am - West Sussex webcasts
Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee
Friday, 29th November 2024 at 10:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
1 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
2 Minutes of the Last Meeting of the Committee
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Agenda item :
3 Urgent Matters
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Agenda item :
4 Responses to Recommendations
Agenda item :
5 Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 2 2024/25
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- End of Sept (Quarter 2) PRR - Focus for Scrutiny
- Annex A - How To Read The PRR
- Q2 2024-25 PRR - Summary Report
- Section 1 - Adult Services
- Section 2 - Children and Young People, Learning and Skills
- Section 3 - Community Support, Fire and Rescue
- Section 4 - Environment and Climate Change
- Section 5 - Finance and Property
- Section 6 - Highways and Transport
- Section 7 - Leader
- Section 8 - Public Health and Wellbeing
- Section 9 - Support Services and Economic Development
- Appendix 1 - Performance By Priority
- Appendix 2 - Budget Monitor and Reserves
- Appendix 3 - Revenue Portfolio Grant Listing
- Appendix 4 - Capital Monitor
- Appendix 5 - Corporate Risk Register Summary
- Appendix 6 - Workforce Information
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Gary Strudwick
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Andrew Edwards
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Ian Gibson
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Ian Gibson
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Zack Ali
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Simon Oakley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Andrew Edwards
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Andrew Edwards
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Andrew Edwards
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Andrew Edwards
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Lee Harris
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Zack Ali
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Roger Elkins
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Roger Elkins
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Roger Elkins
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Claire Webster
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Claire Webster
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Claire Webster
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Claire Webster
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
6 Oracle Fusion Progress Report
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Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Ian Gibson
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
7 Council Plan and Budget 2025/26
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- Council Plan, MTFS and Preparations for Draft Budget - cover report
- Update on Council Plan and MTFS Public Cabinet report for Scrutiny Committees
- Appendix A Pressures Public Cabinet FINAL
- Appendix B Service Saving Proposals Scrutiny Committeesnov24
- Appendix C FINAL Capital Programme 24.25 - 28.29
- Member Session feedback
- Scrutiny Committee feedback on Council Plan and budget
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Simon Oakley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Simon Oakley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Nigel Jupp
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Ian Gibson
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Simon Oakley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Lee Harris
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
30 Minute Lunch break - (1:10-1:40pm)
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Agenda item :
8 Digital Strategy
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Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Mike Suarez
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Cllr John Turley
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Emily King
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
9 Grant Funding Task and Finish Group Findings and Recommendations
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Cllr Richard Burrett
Cllr Pete Bradbury
Agenda item :
10 Requests for Call-in
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Agenda item :
11 Work Programme Planning and Possible Items for Future Scrutiny
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Agenda item :
12 Date of Next Meeting
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- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- PFSC_recommendations_tracker, opens in new tab
- End of Sept (Quarter 2) PRR - Focus for Scrutiny, opens in new tab
- Annex A - How To Read The PRR, opens in new tab
- Q2 2024-25 PRR - Summary Report, opens in new tab
- Section 1 - Adult Services, opens in new tab
- Section 2 - Children and Young People, Learning and Skills, opens in new tab
- Section 3 - Community Support, Fire and Rescue, opens in new tab
- Section 4 - Environment and Climate Change, opens in new tab
- Section 5 - Finance and Property, opens in new tab
- Section 6 - Highways and Transport, opens in new tab
- Section 7 - Leader, opens in new tab
- Section 8 - Public Health and Wellbeing, opens in new tab
- Section 9 - Support Services and Economic Development, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Performance By Priority, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Budget Monitor and Reserves, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Revenue Portfolio Grant Listing, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Capital Monitor, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Corporate Risk Register Summary, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 - Workforce Information, opens in new tab
- Oracle Fusion up-date monitoring report, opens in new tab
- Council Plan, MTFS and Preparations for Draft Budget - cover report, opens in new tab
- Update on Council Plan and MTFS Public Cabinet report for Scrutiny Committees, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Pressures Public Cabinet FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appendix B Service Saving Proposals Scrutiny Committeesnov24, opens in new tab
- Appendix C FINAL Capital Programme 24.25 - 28.29, opens in new tab
- Member Session feedback, opens in new tab
- Scrutiny Committee feedback on Council Plan and budget, opens in new tab
- Digital Strategy - DRAFT cover report, opens in new tab
- Digital Strategy Decision Report FINAL, opens in new tab
- Digital Strategy FINAL DRAFT, opens in new tab
- Grant Funding TFG - cover report, opens in new tab
- Grant Funding TFG_App A DRAFT Report, opens in new tab
- Grant Funding TFG - App1 Agreed Terms of Reference, opens in new tab
- Work Programme - 20241129, opens in new tab
- BPG_Checklist, opens in new tab
- Forward plan as 20241120-WLTJ2R2N93, opens in new tab