Cabinet - Tuesday 20 June 2023, 10:30am - Start video at 1:17:45 - West Sussex webcasts
Tuesday, 20th June 2023 at 10:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Paul Marshall
Agenda item :
1 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Paul Marshall
Agenda item :
2 Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 Urgent Matters
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Agenda item :
4 Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 4 2022/23 (CAB01_23/24)
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- CAB01_23_24_Quarter 4 Performance and Resources Cover Report
- Annexe A - How To Read The PRR
- Annexe B - Q4 PRR Summary Report- March 2023
- Annexe B - Section 1 - Adult Services
- Annexe B -Section 2 - Children and Young People
- Annexe B - Section 3 - Learning and Skills
- Annexe B - Section 4 - Community Support, Fire and Rescue
- Annexe B - Section 5 - Environment and Climate Change
- Annexe B - Section 6 - Finance and Property
- Annexe B - Section 7 - Highways and Transport
- Annexe B - Section 8 - Leader
- Annexe B - Section 9 - Public Health and Wellbeing
- Annexe B_ Section 10_ Support Services and Economic Development
- Annexe B, Appendix 1 - Revenue Budget Monitor and Reserves
- Annexe B, Appendix 2 - Service Transformation
- Annexe B, Appendix 3 - Capital Monitor
- Annexe B_Appendix 4_Corporate Risk Register Summary
- Annexe B, Appendix 5 - Workforce Information
- Annexe C - KPI Measures
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Kevin Boram
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Paul Linehan
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Pieter Montyn
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Jacquie Russell
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Deborah Urquhart
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Joy Dennis
Cllr Joy Dennis
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Amanda Jupp
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Paul Marshall
Agenda item :
5 West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Statement of Assurance 2022-23 (CAB02_23/24)
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Cllr Duncan Crow
Cllr Paul Marshall
Sabrina Cohen-Hatton
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Kevin Boram
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Steve Waight
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Jacquie Russell
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Joy Dennis
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Duncan Crow
Cllr Paul Marshall
Agenda item :
6 Review and Appointment to Outside Bodies (CAB03_23/24)
Agenda item :
7 The Sussex Shared Delivery Plan: Improving Lives Together
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Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Paul Marshall
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Jeremy Hunt
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Jacquie Russell
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Paul Marshall
Cllr Paul Marshall
Agenda item :
8 Emerging Issues
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Agenda item :
9 Date of Next Meeting
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- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- CAB01_23_24_Quarter 4 Performance and Resources Cover Report, opens in new tab
- Annexe A - How To Read The PRR, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Q4 PRR Summary Report- March 2023, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 1 - Adult Services, opens in new tab
- Annexe B -Section 2 - Children and Young People, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 3 - Learning and Skills, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 4 - Community Support, Fire and Rescue, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 5 - Environment and Climate Change, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 6 - Finance and Property, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 7 - Highways and Transport, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 8 - Leader, opens in new tab
- Annexe B - Section 9 - Public Health and Wellbeing, opens in new tab
- Annexe B_ Section 10_ Support Services and Economic Development, opens in new tab
- Annexe B, Appendix 1 - Revenue Budget Monitor and Reserves, opens in new tab
- Annexe B, Appendix 2 - Service Transformation, opens in new tab
- Annexe B, Appendix 3 - Capital Monitor, opens in new tab
- Annexe B_Appendix 4_Corporate Risk Register Summary, opens in new tab
- Annexe B, Appendix 5 - Workforce Information, opens in new tab
- Annexe C - KPI Measures, opens in new tab
- CAB02_23_24_FRS Statement of Assurance 2022-23 Report, opens in new tab
- CAB02_23_24_Statement of Assurance 2022_23, opens in new tab
- CAB03_23_24_ Outside Bodies Report, opens in new tab
- The Sussex Shared Delivery Plan: Improving Lives Together Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A Shared Delivery Plan, opens in new tab
- Appendix B - Summarised HWB Feedback on Sussex SDP, opens in new tab