Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 8 March 2023, 10:30am - Start video at 0:05:21 - West Sussex webcasts
Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 8th March 2023 at 10:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
1 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
2 Urgent Matters
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee
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Agenda item :
4 Responses to Recommendations
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Cllr Graham McKnight
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
5 South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Improvement Update
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Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Joshua Tonks
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Matthew Webb
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Joshua Tonks
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Noel Atkins
Joshua Tonks
Cllr James Walsh
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Matthew Webb
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Joshua Tonks
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Ian Irvine
Cllr Graham McKnight
Joshua Tonks
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Cllr Kate O'Kelly
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Kate O'Kelly
Cllr Garry Wall
Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
Agenda item :
6 Changes To Children's Specialised Cancer Services Principal Treatment Centre Programme
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Cllr Garry Wall
Dr Chris Streather
Cllr Garry Wall
Rachel Allan
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Garry Wall
Rachel Allan
Cllr Garry Wall
Rachel Allan
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
7 Dentistry in West Sussex - Feedback from Evidence Gathering Session
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Rachel Allan
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Noel Atkins
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Adam Peacock
Cllr Kate O'Kelly
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Bruce Forbes
Cllr Kate O'Kelly
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Kate O'Kelly
Cllr Katie Nagel
Cllr Zack Ali
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Joss Loader
Dr Charlotte Keeble
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
8 End of December 2022 (Quarter 3) Quarterly Performance and Resources Report
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Cllr Amanda Jupp
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Zack Ali
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Alison Cooper
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
Alan Sinclair
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
Cllr Amanda Jupp
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Ian Irvine
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
Cllr Bob Lanzer
Cllr Garry Wall
Rachel Allan
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
9 Work Programme Planning and Possible Items for Future Scrutiny
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Rachel Allan
Cllr James Walsh
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Noel Atkins
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Garry Wall
Cllr Graham McKnight
Cllr Garry Wall
Agenda item :
10 Requests for Call-in
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Rachel Allan
Agenda item :
11 Date of Next Meeting
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Cllr Garry Wall
- Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee, opens in new tab
- Responses to Recommendations, opens in new tab
- Additional Recommendation Response, opens in new tab
- South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Improvement Update Cover Report, opens in new tab
- South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Improvement Update, opens in new tab
- Changes To Children's Specialised Cancer Services Principal Treatment Centre Programme Cover Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A, opens in new tab
- Appendix B, opens in new tab
- Appendix C, opens in new tab
- Dentistry in West Sussex – Feedback from Evidence Gathering Session, opens in new tab
- Focus for Scrutiny, opens in new tab
- Appendix A - How To Read The Performance and Resources Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix B – Portfolio Summary – Adults Services, opens in new tab
- Appendix C – Portfolio Summary – Public Health and Wellbeing, opens in new tab
- Appendix D – Risk Register, opens in new tab
- Forward Plan of Key Decisions, opens in new tab
- Additional Forward Plan of Key Decisions Entry, opens in new tab
- Work Programme, opens in new tab
- Appendix A, opens in new tab
Worthing Borough Council
Mid Sussex District Council
Regional Medical Director and Chief Clinical Information Officer
NHS England - London
Associate Director Strategic Partnerships and System Engagement
South East Coast Ambulance Service