Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 8 March 2023, 10:30am - Start video at 0:02:23 - West Sussex webcasts

Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 8th March 2023 at 10:30am 









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  1. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Cllr Graham McKnight
  2. Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
  3. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Cllr Graham McKnight
  2. Alan Sinclair
  3. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  2. Joshua Tonks
  3. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  4. Matthew Webb
  5. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  6. Joshua Tonks
  7. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  8. Cllr Garry Wall
  9. Cllr Noel Atkins
  10. Joshua Tonks
  11. Cllr James Walsh
  12. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  13. Matthew Webb
  14. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  15. Joshua Tonks
  16. Cllr Garry Wall
  17. Cllr Ian Irvine
  18. Cllr Graham McKnight
  19. Joshua Tonks
  20. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
  21. Cllr Kate O'Kelly
  22. Cllr Graham McKnight
  23. Cllr Kate O'Kelly
  24. Cllr Garry Wall
  25. Helen Wilshaw-Roberts
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  1. Cllr Garry Wall
  2. Dr Chris Streather
  3. Cllr Garry Wall
  4. Rachel Allan
  5. Cllr Garry Wall
  6. Cllr James Walsh
  7. Cllr Garry Wall
  8. Rachel Allan
  9. Cllr Garry Wall
  10. Rachel Allan
  11. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Rachel Allan
  2. Cllr Garry Wall
  3. Cllr James Walsh
  4. Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
  5. Cllr Garry Wall
  6. Cllr Noel Atkins
  7. Cllr Garry Wall
  8. Cllr Adam Peacock
  9. Cllr Kate O'Kelly
  10. Cllr Garry Wall
  11. Cllr Bruce Forbes
  12. Cllr Kate O'Kelly
  13. Cllr Garry Wall
  14. Cllr Kate O'Kelly
  15. Cllr Katie Nagel
  16. Cllr Zack Ali
  17. Cllr Garry Wall
  18. Cllr Joss Loader
  19. Dr Charlotte Keeble
  20. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Cllr Amanda Jupp
  2. Alan Sinclair
  3. Cllr Garry Wall
  4. Cllr Zack Ali
  5. Alan Sinclair
  6. Cllr Alison Cooper
  7. Alan Sinclair
  8. Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
  9. Alan Sinclair
  10. Cllr Garry Wall
  11. Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
  12. Cllr Amanda Jupp
  13. Cllr Garry Wall
  14. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  15. Cllr Garry Wall
  16. Cllr Graham McKnight
  17. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  18. Cllr Ian Irvine
  19. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  20. Cllr Garry Wall
  21. Cllr James Walsh
  22. Cllr Garry Wall
  23. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  24. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  25. Cllr James Walsh
  26. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  27. Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
  28. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  29. Cllr Cathy Glynn-Davies
  30. Cllr Natalie Pudaloff
  31. Cllr Bob Lanzer
  32. Cllr Garry Wall
  33. Rachel Allan
  34. Cllr Garry Wall
Share this agenda point
  1. Rachel Allan
  2. Cllr James Walsh
  3. Cllr Garry Wall
  4. Cllr Noel Atkins
  5. Cllr Garry Wall
  6. Cllr Garry Wall
  7. Cllr Graham McKnight
  8. Cllr Garry Wall
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  1. Rachel Allan
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  1. Cllr Garry Wall
  2. Webcast Finished
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NHS Sussex
Regional Medical Director and Chief Clinical Information Officer
NHS England - London
Operating Unit Manager Worthing & Tangmere
South East Coast Ambulance
Associate Director Strategic Partnerships and System Engagement
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Strategic Partnerships Manager
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